Monday, March 10, 2008


Because I am an appraiser people are always asking me what kind of art I like and what kind of art I collect. Sometimes these are two very different things. While some people love Renaissance Art and some people love Modern Art I tend to be all over the place. For me, art has to be taken in context. Some art is appropriate for my house and some is more fun just to study and talk about. If I have a strong love or hate reaction then I will likely enjoy researching it. Researching the history of a piece is what makes me love it. When I lived in London in 1997-1998 I got to see Damien Hirst's pieces in the flesh (pun intended). They repulsed me so I started doing research. In the process I was introduced to the other Young British Artists and I was hooked. Now, whenever I visit the Tate Modern I am always hoping to see the latest YBA work. On the other hand, some work is just visually stunning. I have to admit that I am also a sucker for good design. The internet has made a wide variety of art accessible and I, for one, am enjoying it. Just yesterday, I found the illustrations of Wendy Wonsuk Lee. Witty and well-designed this artist's work really has everything going for it.

1 comment:

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